
Effects of Changing the Explosive Position on the Damage of Stiffened Plates Subjected to Air Contact Explosion

  • 摘要: 为研究爆点位置对导弹接触爆炸下船体板架破坏所造成的影响,通过有限元模拟研究加筋板架在由2种药量和4个爆点位置组合成的8种工况下的破坏过程、破口大小及变形能,对比分析同种药量下爆点位置对加筋板架破坏的影响。结果表明:相同药量的炸药在加筋板架的不同爆点位置接触爆炸时,所产生破口大小间的差异可达20%以上,药量较小时,破口形貌的差别也较大;炸药在肋骨与纵骨交汇处爆炸时,与相同炸药在板格中心爆炸相比,加强筋的变形能可高出2倍左右,加筋板架的变形能则可高出40%以上。


    Abstract: To investigate the effects of changing the explosive point on the missile air contact explosion damage(on stiffened plates),finite element simulations are conducted to analyze the damage processes, crevasse sizes and distortional energies of stiffened plates in eight different cases(a combination of two explosive charges and four explosive points). The results show that when the same amount of explosive explodes at different points,the discrepancy of crevasse sizes can go beyond 20%. Also,the crevasse shapes are markedly distinct even with less explosive charge. Particularly,when the explosion occurs at the decussation of stiffeners,the distortional energy can be twice as much as that at the centre,and the distortional energy of the whole plate can be 40% or more.


