《中国舰船研究》编辑部. 《中国舰船研究》2018年增刊1期目录[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13(Supp 1).
引用本文: 《中国舰船研究》编辑部. 《中国舰船研究》2018年增刊1期目录[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2018, 13(Supp 1).
Chinese Journal of Ship Research. Contens of CJSR 2018, Vol.13, Supp 1[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2018, 13(Supp 1).
Citation: Chinese Journal of Ship Research. Contens of CJSR 2018, Vol.13, Supp 1[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2018, 13(Supp 1).


Contens of CJSR 2018, Vol.13, Supp 1

  • 摘要: 1船舶摇荡运动分析的线性时域切片方法…张亚晖,马山,段文洋(1)2振荡流中二维圆柱的涡激振动数值模拟…邓迪,王哲,万德成(7)3毂帽鳍水动力性能数值研究…许璐荣,万德成(15)4对称格林函数简化计算的数学推导…杨鹏,叶梦熊,李金成,何景异,杜兆伟(22)5基于STAR-CCM+的潜艇尾流场及水动力数值分析…李士强,肖昌润,曹植珺(29)6潜艇应急上浮运动的CFD预报…李日杰,陈庆龙,常文田(36)7水面舰船轴支架翼型对空化性能的影响分析…张凯,叶金铭,王友乾,于安斌(43)8带折角偏流板对超音速尾喷流的影响…郭凯,王强(50)9半潜式起重铺管船先进性评价方法…陆丛红,白辉哲,王运龙(57)10碳纤维复合材料不同电导率涂层的雷击防护效果测试…付尚琛,石立华,周颖慧,郭一帆,孙卜一,郭跃伟(61)11金属柱体雷电间接效应的回路导体仿真分析…黄瑞涛,段艳涛,石立华,罗康,张琪(66)12适用于无线通信系统具有滤波特性的微带天线设计…吴为军,奚秀娟,莫熠,刘其凤,陈亮,王春(71)13感应电机在线监测磁场传感器设计…刘凯,奚秀娟(75)14石墨烯在舰船材料防腐中的应用及展望…张欢,杨季雨,赵丽娟,宋永娇,吴锦荣(82)15多舱室内气云爆炸爆轰产物运动二维数值模拟…徐维铮,吴卫国(92)16高强钢船体板架落锤冲击试验及数值仿真…彭正梁,杨磊,费宝祥(100)17船用钛、钢法兰连接螺栓的疲劳强度性能分析…宋振伟,曹俊伟,刘玲,郑绍文,徐峰(106)18应用于海洋平台的拖链结构设计与数值分析…程科,耿继晨,刘芳华(111)19大负荷释能扰动下船用蒸汽蓄能器的热力非平衡特性分析…杨元龙,吴炜,孙玲,李良才(115)20船舶蒸汽动力系统的快速变负荷运行性能仿真分析…杨元龙,吴炜,吴金祥,郑子都(121)21某燃气轮机舷侧进气流场数值仿真…杨建,朱炜,何文强,王艳国,邹春平,牛茂升(126)22油舱蒸汽加热的计算与对比…张建平,庹艾莉,辛宇,余国虎(135)23推力瓦块几何参数对船舶推进轴系纵振特性的影响分析…张金国,田佳彬,何涛(142)24潜用双模式SOFC-MGT联合发电系统的设计与仿真…朱润凯,梁前超,詹海洋,黄潜龙,任济民(147)25舰船电力推进系统中矩阵变换器输出电压谐波频谱分析…吴玲玲,李家志,肖宏,陈丽颖,罗威(157)26综合电力系统中整流装置抗冲击特性分析…丁先威,赵建华,吴诗谦(165)27舰艇簧片式电气开关抗冲击性能分析…冯麟涵,郭君,黄式璋,赵勋(170)28基于电力电子开关的智能化稳压电源补偿策略…范磊,李维波,徐聪,李巍,许智豪(175)29螺旋桨涂层对潜艇水下静电场影响仿真分析…刘春阳,汪小娜,王向军,苗海(182)30潜艇居住舱室空调送风舒适度数值模拟评估…赵恒,彭文波,周志杰(189)31夏季船舶空调动态冷负荷仿真与分析…王淼,张扬,谢军龙(199)32基于离散序列的舰船对空自防御性能评估…黄毅,邵菲,黄卫刚(207)


    Abstract: 1Linear time-domain strip method for ship motion prediction…ZHANG Yahui, MA Shan, DUAN Wenyang (1)2Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a 2D cylinder in oscillatory flow…DENG Di, WANG Zhe, WAN Decheng (7)3Numerical research on hydrodynamic characteristics of propeller boss cap fins…XU Lurong, WAN Decheng (15)4Mathematical derivation of simplified calculation of symmetrical Green function…YANG Peng, YE Mengxiong, LI Jincheng, et al (22)5Numerical analysis of wake flow and hydrodynamics for a submarine based on STAR-CCM+…LI Shiqiang, XIAO Changrun, CAO Zhijun (29)6CFD prediction of submarine motion during emergency surfacing…LI Rijie, CHEN Qinglong, CHANG Wentian (36)7Analysis on effect of shaft strut hydrofoil on anti-cavitation performance for surface ship…ZHANG Kai, YE Jinming, WANG Youqian, et al (43)8Influence of jet blast deflector with fold angle on supersonic jet flow…GUO Kai, WANG Qiang (50)9Advanced grade evaluation method of SSCV…LU Conghong, BAI Huizhe, WANG Yunlong (57)10Lightning strike test of CFRP coatings with different conductivity…FU Shangchen, SHI Lihua, ZHOU Yinghui, et al (61)11Simulation analysis on return conductor configuration for lightning indirect effect test of metal cylinder…HUANG Ruitao, DUAN Yantao, SHI Lihua, et al (66)12Design of microstrip antenna with filtering characteristic for wireless communication systems…WU Weijun, XI Xiujuan, MO Yi, et al (71)13Design of induction magnetometer for online monitoring of induction machine…LIU Kai, XI Xiujuan (75)14Graphene and its applications in anticorrosion of ship materials…ZHANG Huan, YANG Jiyu, ZHAO Lijuan, et al (82)15A two-dimensional numerical simulation on dynamic motion of detonation products generated by gas cloud explosion inside the multi-cabin…XU Weizheng, WU Weiguo (92)16Drop weight impact test and numerical simulation of high-strength steel hull grillage…PENG Zhengliang, YANG Lei, FEI Baoxiang (100)17Analysis of fatigue strength of titanium-steel flange connection bolts in ship…SONG Zhenwei, CAO Junwei, LIU Ling, et al (106)18Design and numerical analysis of drag chain structure for offshore platform…CHENG Ke, GENG Jichen, LIU Fanghua (111)19Investigating thermodynamic non-equilibrium characteristics of marine steam accumulator under large discharge disturbance…YANG Yuanlong, WU Wei, SUN Ling, et al (115)20Simulation analysis on performance of fast variable load for marine steam power system…YANG Yuanlong, WU Wei, WU Jinxiang, et al (121)21Numerical simulation of side intake flow of a gas turbine…YANG Jian, ZHU Wei, HE Wenqiang, et al (126)22Calculation and comparison of steam heating for oil tank…ZHANG Jianping, TUO Aili, XIN Yu, et al (135)23Analysis on shafting axial vibration of marine thrust bearing considering pad geometrical parameters…ZHANG Jinguo, TIAN Jiabin, HE Tao (142)24Design and simulation of submarine dual-mode SOFC-MGT hybrid power generation system…ZHU Runkai, LIANG Qianchao, ZHAN Haiyang, et al (147)25Harmonic spectrum analysis of output voltage for matrix converter in marine electric propulsion system…WU Lingling, LI Jiazhi, XIAO Hong, et al (157)26Analysis of impact resistance characteristics of rectifying device in integrated power system…DING Xianwei, ZHAO Jianhua, WU Shiqian (165)27Analysis on impact resistance of reed contact switch for naval ships…FENG Linhan, GUO Jun, HUANG Shizhang, et al (170)28Compensation strategy of intelligent regulated power supply based on power electronic converters…FAN Lei, LI Weibo, XU Cong, et al (175)29Simulation analysis on influence of propeller coating on submarine's underwater electrostatic fields…LIU Chunyang, WANG Xiaona, WANG Xiangjun, et al (182)30Numerical simulation evaluation of air conditioning comfort of submarine accommodation…ZHAO Heng, PENG Wenbo, ZHOU Zhijie (189)31Simulation analysis of dynamic cooling loads of ship air conditioning in summer…WANG Miao, ZHANG Yang, XIE Junlong (199)32Evaluation of anti-air self-defense performance of warship based on discrete sequence…HUANG Yi, SHAO Fei, HUANG Weigang (207)


